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Check out Electron Dance / Thinky Games stream of The Unknowing and some other great titles from the jam here:
(The Unknowing starts at 39:30)

Check out Ambierona's Twitch stream of The Unknowing here:

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Fantastic game! I got hooked on mystery very quickly and puzzles kept me going. I completely lost track of time! Looking forward to playing the full game!

I really appreciated the note-taking mechanics. It helps me record data without revealing which one is important to solve the puzzle

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thanks so much! Great to hear it got you hooked.

I agree, I feel like the note taking mechanic is where it all came together during development 

The Unknowing is a great, real puzzle game. It took me quite some time to complete it because I got stuck at one point - but it was more on me than on the game. Once I understood how to use the (rot13)evqqyr sybjre, everything flowed from there.

Are you planning on expanding the game?

So happy to hear you enjoyed it! Yeah I’d love to make a full game out of it or perhaps even mini episodes. Hard to say at this point since we have a few other games in development but we’ll see what unfolds!