A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

This game was made for The Case of the Thinky Jam 2023

! This is a jam game, so expect some rough edges!

Full walkthrough available here:

An alien has crash-landed their ship on earth. After regaining consciousness he discovers that key parts of his ship have been stolen and held for ransom

As the alien, search the nearby town for clues to the 3 mysteries that have sent the townspeople running scared from an unseen danger. Solve the mysteries to regain your ship parts so you can get back home again

But you don't understand what even the most basic Earth objects are, and you only have a limited amount of credits to call your homeworld each time you want to identify something, so take mindful notes to deduce what's important, and reset your ship's time loop whenever you need to leave the unimportant stuff behind . The more you know, the more you can leave behind. Such is the mystery of The Unknowing

Created by Alexander Thumm (aka Lamplight Forest, aka Orchid of Redemption)

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PlatformsWindows, macOS
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorLamplight Forest
GenrePuzzle, Adventure
TagsDetective, Experimental, Indie, Mystery


unknowing-mac.zip 328 MB
Version 6 Dec 29, 2023
unknowing-win.zip 327 MB
Version 5 Dec 29, 2023


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Check out Electron Dance / Thinky Games stream of The Unknowing and some other great titles from the jam here:
(The Unknowing starts at 39:30)

Check out Ambierona's Twitch stream of The Unknowing here:


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Fantastic game! I got hooked on mystery very quickly and puzzles kept me going. I completely lost track of time! Looking forward to playing the full game!

I really appreciated the note-taking mechanics. It helps me record data without revealing which one is important to solve the puzzle

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thanks so much! Great to hear it got you hooked.

I agree, I feel like the note taking mechanic is where it all came together during development 

The Unknowing is a great, real puzzle game. It took me quite some time to complete it because I got stuck at one point - but it was more on me than on the game. Once I understood how to use the (rot13)evqqyr sybjre, everything flowed from there.

Are you planning on expanding the game?

So happy to hear you enjoyed it! Yeah I’d love to make a full game out of it or perhaps even mini episodes. Hard to say at this point since we have a few other games in development but we’ll see what unfolds!